Deer hunter shot in accident

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and now healing hands and reward,21985,25458540-2862,00.html
so, are kangaroos reviled as pests in NZ like possums are? Aside from this particularly cruel incident, are they culled in general? And a group of roos is a "mob" eh?
Some of the species of Wallaby and Possum that are such a problem in New Zealand are endangered in Australia. When they went to eliminate Wallabys from Kawau Island a few years back, the Australians came over and captured as many animals that they could and took them home.
Interesting article Pmcke -- thanks for the link.
Funny, didnt realise the Aussies came and took some back. There's billions of wallabies in Waimate they can have!
I want the wallabies to invade Marlborough. They are cool. Just like a giant bunny but with more bounce. Most of the NZ wildlife is quite boring, we need more interesting animals like Wombats, Squirrels, Turtles, Raccoons and monkeys.
We'll happily send over some cane toads, snakes and goannas. They'll make for an interesting mix.
What we need is some real predators, like some cougars or other big cats to deal to the possums and wallabies. It'd also make tramping more interesting. I remember someone a while ago said that having Hippopotamus in lake Rotorua would be ideal to deal with the weed problem. However for some reason that idea didn't get traction.
Having the board game 'hungry hungry hippo' is as close as you want to get to those things. They kill alot of people. I imagine Lake Rotorua is warmer than some other lakes due to volcanic activity. Is that why there is a weed problem? Evaporation of water in our dams in Qld. and general warming has led to Blue-green algae problems.
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