Tramping partner for day/weekend tramps

Hi everyone, I've recently moved to Nelson and am very keen to do as many tramps as I possibly can as I will only be here till September 09... I've checked out a few areas around Nelson already - Mt Arthur, Nelson Lakes etc but there seems so much to explore in the top of the South! So I'm keen to tramp with someone for day/weekend tramps... I'm not a very experienced tramper but spend a lot of time outdoors.. I'm a 26 year old male and keen to meet other trampers in the Nelson area...
greetings from Oz. I just posted in the other thread about my trip details, but provided everything works out I should be around that area by may 21 and would be down for any treks. I'm more or less hitch-hiking around without any direction, but I have to be in Wellington by the 23rd or 24th. I'm Canadian and couldn't tell you the slightest bit of NZ geography, but I'm always up for an adventure :)
Stefan, like blakeps, I'm going to be travelling around that area without much direction. I'll be in Christchurch until the 25th of August and then I was planning to head up near Nelson to do a 4 day or so trek in that area or in Lewis Pass. Let me know if you are interested! Lizzie

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Forum Tramping partners
Started by Stefan
On 6 May 2009
Replies 2
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