1 person tent recommendations

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I've gone on a bit of a lightweight kick recently and have decided it's time to stop carting around my palatial 2 man tent on solo trips. Not interested in tarp setups or bivvy bags - I'd like something under 2kg with a decent sized vestibule to keep my gear out of the weather, that'll stand up to tops camping. Have my eye on a Macpac Microlight but would like to research all options before I buy - any recommendations? I have around $400 to spend.
I'm currently trying a "Beyond Flight Bivy - 2 Person" from Torpedo7, on special was $80, normally $199. Weighs about 1.48kg all up You get a fly that can be pitched alone, or with the included base mat for when you need extra protection and can sleep two people. It does not have an inner to save on weight. I've only used mine once so far, but was heaps of room for me and my gear as the tent is long (about 3.3m long). Easy to put up and take down. Not sure how well it stands up to the wind yet. You do need to be careful feeding the pole through the fly, just a feeling as it is light weight. I'm no expert and only new to tramping, but thought for $80 and the weight, it was worth a go. Was also the lightest I could find without going to the $600+ mark BUT, I can't see it on their website at the moment, but it was there last week. Maybe just sold out?? Is green, and similar to this look and size wise: http://www.torpedo7.co.nz/products/BYRTBN0CT/title/beyond-cycle-2-tent Hope this helps, even if its "Thanks but no thanks" :D
Forgot to mention that would be cosy for 2 people I think. I got mine more as a 1 person.
Thanks Scottie - have you tried it out in the rain yet?
No sorry @hutchk, the one time I had it out it was fine. One other thing to consider, it is basically a fly over ground sheet.
3 options you might not of considered http://www.aliexpress.com/item/3Ful-Gear-Pedestrian-3-season-2-layer-1-resident-professional-silicon-PU-coating-outdoor-camping-tent/1657892781.html http://www.aliexpress.com/item/2014-luxe-firefly-ultra-light-aluminum-rod-single-double-layer-tent-mat/1644504561.html http://www.aliexpress.com/item/New-Single-bunk-upscale-outdoor-mountaineering-tent-camping/1771649193.html The middle one is a brand known for its super light gear the others are unknown and you take your chances. You also cut out the NZ retailer if that matters.
I have a Freedom Atmos which has been surprisingly good in the rain but they also have 1 person tent which might fit your needs http://freedomcamping.co.nz/product/tents/adventure-tents/mono/specifications
I use the Freedom Mono. It's higher & longer than the Luxe Firefly, which is pretty handy for getting dressed in the a.m.. Vestibule just big enough for a pack & boots. Not too good on an exposed top though. You have to pitch it with regards to the wind direction if that's strong enough. Might prefer a dome shape ?. EquipOutdoors is a website for a Hamilton shop. They have done people deals on Luxe tents, including the MSR Hubba dome rip-offs. Alibaba and the like, are a conglomerate of Chinese retailers. It's like the Yellow Pages of internet traders. Some good, some best avoided.
"Alibaba and the like, are a conglomerate of Chinese retailers. It's like the Yellow Pages of internet traders. Some good, some best avoided." True but its a little better than that but not much. Its more like trademe with all fixed prices.You do get the protection of Aliexppress holding your payment until you say you are happy with the goods. I have not dealt with the traders in any of the above links so Im not promoting there business beyond posting links to ads on the Aliexpess website. I have bought a few items through there and was considering setting up a trademe store. Reality was that although the items were good enough for me they were not good enough for me to sell. Things like a loose jet on a stove. For me 2 seconds to fix but it would mean I have to check every item before selling. No profit in doing that so no trademe store.
"Alibaba and the like, are a conglomerate of Chinese retailers. It's like the Yellow Pages of internet traders. Some good, some best avoided." True but its a little better than that but not much. Its more like trademe with all fixed prices.You do get the protection of Aliexppress holding your payment until you say you are happy with the goods. I have not dealt with the traders in any of the above links so Im not promoting there business beyond posting links to ads on the Aliexpess website. I have bought a few items through there and was considering setting up a trademe store. Reality was that although the items were good enough for me they were not good enough for me to sell. Things like a loose jet on a stove. For me 2 seconds to fix but it would mean I have to check every item before selling. No profit in doing that so no trademe store.

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On 6 May 2014
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