1 person tent recommendations

I've gone on a bit of a lightweight kick recently and have decided it's time to stop carting around my palatial 2 man tent on solo trips. Not interested in tarp setups or bivvy bags - I'd like something under 2kg with a decent sized vestibule to keep my gear out of the weather, that'll stand up to tops camping. Have my eye on a Macpac Microlight but would like to research all options before I buy - any recommendations? I have around $400 to spend.
11–20 of 25

Ok for around that weight you could easily go two person. Forget the Firefly etc, a quick google search will turn up a number of contenders http://www.litekamper.com/tent_2man.htm This site is useful, there are plenty of others FYI I have the Luxe Lightwave, its a 2 person tent rated 3 season and weighs 1.38kg. I have used it several times although only below the bush line, but I wouldn't take any ultralight gear into the mountains, its not worth seeing it shredded. If you wanna go really ultra light you could look at the Terra Nova stuff, they have the world record still I believe and I see Torpedo 7 have a few (although not the Fusion2 which would be what you want)
I have a Luxe Lightwave as well and it performs very well at low altitude and in the bush, plenty big enough to squeeze a second person in in an emergency. It is also very loooonggggg which is good for me. I personally wouldnt take it up to the tops except in perfect weather, it works but would it stand up to a 100kmh wind gust.....I dont know! The Freedom Mono looks good but it was too short for me, Im 6'3" and both my head and feet were hard up against the ends....not good. Normally I just use a flysheet/tarp except in very buggy area's.
@Pro-active - the Mono looks good. How do you find it for condensation?
The Luxe options also look good - has anyone used a Sil-hexpeak? 1.25kg sounds right up my alley.
its one of those mumpty walking pole jobs, they are laughable in any wind, and it looks like its half vestibule?
I've been using a Mountain Hardware sprite for years. 1.4kg, 1 person. Pros: - Very stable - survived 140km winds at Wharite (though pitches in lee of scrub). - Never had any issues with water coming in the top or walls - even in torrential west coast downpours. - No condensation issues (2-skin). Plenty of mesh so no problem with suffocating in hot weather - Sandfly proof - Used down to about -5 degrees in a 3-season bag & foam mat and been comfortable Cons: - Ground sheet not waterproof enough: need either to sleep on a sleeping mat, or a pack liner to keep dry (though all lightweight tents I've had have been the same in this regard) - A large % of inner is mesh - not the best for insulation - but that's all compromise with breathability. That said, looking at the latest design, it's changed somewhat. Bigger door opening, and a greater % of mesh on the inner. So may have changed. Beware of some foreign import tents (I'vew had this with both ozzie & south american ones) which often have 'mosquito-proof' mesh which has larger holes than NZ tents, and lets Sth Island sandflies through. European tents are generally midge-proof, and midges being even smaller than sandflies means they're OK here.
Thanks all - several good options to look at now.
@hutchK Website crashed on me last night !. No condensation problems with Freedom Mono. Also a 2 skin tent. Inner cocoon is mesh on a waterproof base, that has an extended lip. Sort of like a floatable bird cage. Outer skin attaches to pole along length and at grounding ends, but is otherwise a distance from the inner skin. Outer skin pegs down just above ground level, so air can flow, but doesn't "blow' in. Because of the wedge shape of the tent, you would need to orientate it accordingly if you were exposed to strong winds.
@Pro-active sorry about the crash -- making some big changes last night.
Here, take look at this. http://www.trademe.co.nz/sports/camping-outdoors/tents/1-2-person-tents/auction-727710961.htm
11–20 of 25

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