Voltarin and other NSAID's

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I read of a study where 50% of folks given voltarin had small intestinal bleeding. It is also incriminated in leaky gut (along with other things such as gluten). NSAID's are no longer my analgesic of choice. Not sure what would be bad about the panadeine I've replaced it with... Frank took several doses of Nurofen over a week (at my suggestion) and when scoped was found to have asymptomatic terminal ileitis. Sounds terrible but this means the final segment of the small intestine - not fatal ileitis! He got a false diagnosis of Crohns Disease and was given a script. Crazy especially considering Pentasa shouldn't be prescribed for people without symptoms. He was just being checked over for his peace of mind. I have been guilty in the past for handing voltarin out like lollies to keep the troops moving along.
Voltarin and its lookalikes I can have one but give me a second one and the less important side effects dont seem so minor. Intergestion diarrhoea and wind you wouldnt believe. Not aware of any bleeds but actively avoid taking these. The related but different ib prophen (nurophen Brufen etc) I can take for a few days before getting similar but milder symptoms. I get a mild migrane and nurophen is the only thing that works. Paracetamol is very safe as long as you never excede the dosage. Do so and your liver falls out. Not a nice way to go Asprin can cause bleeding as well. Also it causes some weird syndrome if given to kids. That leaves those lovely opiates like codene etc I was prescribed that once Took it for 3 days and decided it was doing nothing at all. A year later I through out the box of 100 minus the 3 I had taken.
Panadeine contains codeine which like all opioids can cause constipation. My go to is paracetamol and I only break out the bigger guns if paracetamol doesn't touch it. I will however use nurofen for joint pain (usually after running - I have knee and Achilles issues).
Maybe a voltarin/codien pill would be the perfect mix. I trust the constipation from the codeine suppresses the diarrhoea from the votarin or does it turn into something that we would rather not know about?
I use Tilcotil, tenoxicam I think its called. My surgeon put me onto it as I can't handle diclophenac (stomach). I have no side effects and it works real well for my knee. Other than that, cannabis is probably the next best pain killer :)
I know of older trampers taking NSAID's before the trip, to nip the pains in the bud before they become something larger requiring treatment. That's frowned upon too. Gone thru vials of Diclophenac, in the past, to treat knee tendonitis. No apparent side effects ?. Now I find If I do some leg exercises twice a week, it corrects that disposition. Still have the pills in the first aid kit, but I try to prepare better to avoid the problem.
Other than that, cannabis is probably the next best pain killer And you dont feel bad about the pain at the same time. Only issue is walking all the trails constantly munching a bag of chips.
ha eatings cheating don't you know

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