Tongariro Northern Circuit - first week Easter 09

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Hi all! I'm very much interested in doing the Tongariro Northern Circuit this coming Easter break. I'm a keen beginner in tramping, so although I'm very enthusiastic, my rationale keeps telling me I shouldn't go alone. So it would be really great if there's anybody who wants to do this 3 - 4 days tramp with me. Don't ever hesitate to reply to this thread or email me! Thanks.
We did the Northern Circuit last Easter. Got hut tickets but DoC advised us to take a tent - lucky we did. There were up to 80 people a night at the huts/campsites. So you don't have to worry about being alone! However, apart from the crowds we had great weather and it's a fantastic tramp, which I'd do again [but not at Easter!]
My adventurous and risk-taker side of me really do tell me to just go!! But the sensible and conscious side of me keep telling me I haven't had enough experience (I'm really a beginner tramper, though a keen and adventurous one at that) and confidence to attempt it on my own. Gosh, I really want to do this circuit this easter break.
Go for it! We met a young German girl tramping the Northern Circuit alone last year and she joined our group. When she returned to NZ this year she stayed with us for a couple of days. There will be lots of people around, you're bound to meet someone to tramp with.
Hi, are you doing the walk. I have been thinking of doing it over this easter break though am still up in Auckland at the moment. cheers. Liam.
The weather forecast is good - I'd be off like shot but have to work every day of Easter. Sad. Have to console myself with lots of chocolate!
I decided not to do the circuit this easter weekend because there'll be too many people over there. Liam and fruitbat, I have another week of university break (until Sunday 19th April) so let me know if you're interested in doing either the Tongariro Crossing or Northern Circuit. Perhaps we can arrange for a trip there. P/S: If you need to contact me more frequently or urgently, send me an message with your email address and I'll reply to your email.
That was probably a wise decision. I'm still working but hope to get over to the park sometime in the near future. If you're ever over Gisborne way you could contact me - I'm always up for a Mt Hikurangi tramp, or Waikaremoana.
Hi, I'm currently in Auckland looking for work, I would be keen to do a 3-4 day tramp anywhere in nz while i'm waiting. I have a car so would just have to share petrol etc. Let me know if you might be interested. cheers
I did the Tongariro crossing combined with the Ruapehu Round the Mountain trip over 3 days over Easter. The weather was stunning, and the walk simply amazing. Yes the huts were busy, Oturere Hut (the quieter of the Northern Circuit Huts) almost full on the friday night, one bed spare, but I think all the others were. I kipped on the floor of the Mangaehuehue hut the second night. I was expecting them to busy, so wasn't an issue. Surprisingly I did the Northern Circuit over New Year and it was pretty empty.
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