
Hi, I am considering adding flags for removed, derelict, or accommodation-prohibited huts. These huts might not appear in normal searches but you could retrieve them if you wanted. These places can be interesting to visit and often have a rich history so I think there is value in the information. Let me know any thoughts.
11–14 of 14

Yes it would be useful to know what type of water source is available. e.g. piped or tankwater at hut cf. water body near hut. Also if there is a toilet at/near the hut or not. Removed, derelict & not for accomodation "flags/categories" would be useful. I also think they should remain in normal searches. I've noticed that the DOC lists of "removed" huts contain errors so be careful if you are using that source of info. They show some huts as being removed when they are still there. In some cases it may be deliberate as they don't want people staying in the "accomodation prohibited" huts or derelict huts? Some crown built huts on freehold land show up as removed when they are still there. I would prefer that DOC stated they were on private property rather than mislead the public.
On a tangent, but is the water source thing quite a big thing with SI huts? Most NI huts (with which I'm more familiar) either have a tank, or they're within about 2 minutes walk of a creek/stream/river. Usually much closer.
Hi Izogi, yes water supply or the lack of at huts can be an important planning consideration in the South Island. Tank water can run dry, freeze up in winter or get contaminated if roof collected. Clean water bodies that don't run dry situated near huts are ideal water sources but lots of SI huts/bivvies only have roof collected tank/drum water or rain fed sources that can run dry during dry spells.
Thanks for the feedback. Standby for changes later today. :)
11–14 of 14

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On 11 March 2014
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