Pack shoulder straps

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I have a pack I've been using for about 15 years and the shoulder straps are getting a bit hard and uncomfortable. Does anyone know of a website which either sells extra padding which can be attached to the existing straps or has suggestions on how to make my own.
Google it.
Back in the 'good old days' when pack straps were leather and there were no waist or chest straps we used to have a thick jersey (these days probably a fleece) under the top pack flap with its arms hanging loose. Once you had the pack on your back you just rolled each sleeve up and tucked it under the straps on your shoulder - worked a treat! How on earth I coped with the old Mountain Mule as long as I did I don't know! lol Fortunately I borrowed my son's modern pack one weekend and it was heaven. Never used the Mountain Mule again. Mind you, try carrying 2 concrete foundation blocks at a time on/in a modern pack over a ridge and you would have trouble.
Mind you, try carrying 2 concrete foundation blocks at a time on/in a modern pack over a ridge and you would have trouble. Thats how Smiths creek shelter was built. The blocks were bad enough but the 2 pushing the wheel barrow with concrete mixer in it had it hard.
Go buy a cheap $10 ground mat (closed cell style), cut out a couple of strips and tape them to the shoulder straps. Thats what we used to do in the "old days" before comfortable straps were the norm. You will be suprised with how comfortable this can be, when they wear out rip them of and make a new pair. Cheap and easy solution.
Cut up an old sleeping mat and folded a section around each pack strap and held in place with zip ties at the top and bottom. Covered the sharp tie ends with tape. Feels good and hopefully will work on the next trip in a couple of weeks. I'll report back after the trip.
I have a womens MacPac Ascent pack and find the shoulder straps very hard. I put my spare pair of socks through the webbing on the straps and fold them under the straps to pad by collar bone where I would normally develop a lump from the strap pressure points.
one thing to think about here as that modern packs spread the load better than the old ones. Nowdays a fair portion of the load should be on the hip belt and a lot less on the shoulders. If all youe weigt is on the shoulder straps the pack is not adjusted correctly
Just back from 5 day tramp with the pack strap alteration as described in my last posting. No problems at all! Thanks to all for the advice especially "bradley1" for the suggestion I used.
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