Tent poles bust

in blow at L .Tennyson.One is an end section,so how to get the metal ferrule off to get access to the knot inside please? Kelty tent.
Just had to do the same myself. Not easy. Thankfully the broken length, in my case, was the one with the end-stop in it - so I didn't care too much about it - just needed it to insert into the replacement segment I'd bought. . That said, I did get the end-stop out without further breaking the original segment. Two vice grips worked for me, but lost paint off the outside of the pole. The people at the shop where I got the replacement said their repairer uses a padded-jawed vice to hold the pole & vice grips on the end-stop. If you have one available that;d be kinder on the pole than my method. Recon one of those long 'work-mate' type bench-top vices would be good for it, rather than a narrow metal one. Anyway - be prepared to break the pole would be my comment - it was certainly touch & go.
Broken poles and fixing the elastic-Ive used vice grips but found it damages the tube unless it comes out with hand holding, Ive driven number eight wire down and got the end out but damged the tube on another occasion, last time unable to get the end off I pulled the elastic tight and cut it off, then drilled a small hole 2mm dia -4 cms up from the base of the pole & inserted a loop of braid fishing line (35kg) through the hole until out the end of the pole to which I reconnected the elastic after inserting through the replacement section. Then I tied the end of the elastic to the braided line and pulled it down tight and tied the thread so the elastic was tight & secured at the base. I completed it by putting a tape cover the hole and securing braid . Withstood couple of trip in wind conditions since.

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