North Borland Hut

Can someone please either correct me or clarify for me the position of this two bunk hut. Some years ago (1995 approx) I walked into this hut. As I remember it the hut was at least another 1km up the valley and sited on the true left of the river from its location according to Topo maps and Moors Guide South. Moira guide south (the latest edition) puts it on the true right. GPS/Maps have it located at S45°41.230 E167°29.185. My memory is vague on this trip now but I was sure it was located roughly at S45°40.540 E167°29.143. Is someone here able to clarify this for me. Google Earth and Bing aren't much help.
1 deleted post from madpom
North Borland appears to be correctly shown on WAMS ( If you zoom in on the hut and switch to aerial-photo view in WAMS (click basemap & select aerial) you can see the hut - or some rectangular structure anyhow. WAMS photos are much higher resolution than google maps. The location shown is abt 100m north of the location shown on the latest topomaps, but is on the true right.
I visited North Borland hut in April 2010 and it was located on the true right about 100m north of the location shown on topomap. This confused me a little trying to find the route from the hut up to Mt Titiroa, but we soon got it sorted and had a great trip over Titiroa.
Oh thanks. Its gotta be me ballsed up in my recollection of the place.
Moir's Guide South 7th edition, describing the north branch Borland Burn on page 158 talks about the old hut site at C44 805 896. I guess the hut has been shifted at some stage.
2 deleted posts from StagsRoar
The Hut when I was there - on the true left of the valley

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Forum Tracks, routes, and huts
Started by StagsRoar
On 17 January 2014
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