Leaning Lodge Hut in the Rock and Pillar Range

This article was in the Otago Daily Times on Saturday http://www.odt.co.nz/news/dunedin/45391/hopes-old-hut-can-be-preserved See http://tramper.co.nz/?2814 and http://tramper.co.nz/?2809 Funny it is the same photo but credited to someone else. The sods!
This is clearly true... http://tramper.co.nz/files/objectversions/3849/DSC04626_th.jpg http://www.odt.co.nz/files/story/2009/02/the_50_year_old_leaning_lodge_in_the_rock_and_pill_1477312288.JPG Was the photograph printed in the paper? Do you intend to contact them about it?
Same clouds and everything! Bit flippin' rude!
In the print copy the photo has a different aspect raio: the width is the same as yours, but the sky is cut off.
I would suggest either asking for the photograph to be credited correctly or removed, and asking for an explanation of how the photo came to be used. As the site administrator, I'm happy to enquire if you like.
It isn't a problem. The club put out an email looking for photos of the hut so I sent this in. I know the guy who they have credited it to and it wouldn't be his fault. Just a mix up I suspect. This is the classic angle to take pics of this hut from so I imagine they had a number to choose from. I have sent him an email having a bit of a dig but will leave it at that. If the photo helps get some support for replacing the hut then it is all good.
Ha! Just got an embarased email from the person who the photo was credited to. His one is so similar that he hadn't noticed the difference until I mentioned it. On his the door is shut and there is a patch of snow in the foreground.
Funny :-)

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