Mt taranaki in April?

Hi I want to climb mt Taranaki in April, basically because as far as I realized it's the highest mountain for non-experienced walkers, unless any one knows better.. Anyway 1st of all - If anyone is interested, I'll be glad 2nd - Does anyone knows if that is supposed to be dangerous and knows of routes to get there? Thanks Achi
Mt Taranaki is dangerous at any time of year. The only moutain in NZ that has killed more people is Mt Cook. The reason for that is because the weather comes straight in off the Tasman sea and can change very quickly. I have seen it do so a couple of times myself and it is awesome!! If there is any snow around you will need alpine gear, Ice axe and crampons. However it may be still OK in April. If so, probably the best route is from North Egmont. Make sure you take full storm gear with you because you can't assume that the weather will be the same when you come down as when you go up. Also you need to be sure of your navigation. A lot of people get up and when the cloud closes in and they can't find their way down and there are a lot of bluffs on the way down. Have a great trip, but do take care. It isn't how experienced you are that really matters, it is how prepared that you are.
all of the above is correct, as long as the weather is still good in april, you should be okay, just make sure you get a reliable weather forecast and it would also pay to get in touch with doc as they can give you a good idea of what conditions are like up there and take plenty of bad weather gear as it can change in minutes

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On 27 February 2009
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