Matthew: Roding River - Dun Mountain article

Hey Matthew, How did you get the boxes on Rock Hut and Third House Hut to appear outside the main body of text for the above article? I've hunted around in the articles I've written and seen no such option, and your article wont let me Edit it to see what you did (I get "Sorry. You may not edit that object" when I try).
Hi Yarmoss, you do it like this {{823}} where that number is the ID of the hut. You can also add images the same way. Basically, the boxes are in the content, but if there's space in the margin then they float into the space.
Do you mean [[]] brackets? I've used {{}} brackets for photos but it puts them in the text.
No... [[]] makes a link {{}} makes an embedded box. Photos remain in the content but hut info floats out into the margin magically. Make sense?
Ok, {{photo}} puts it in the text but {{hut info}} puts it in the margin. What happens if you put another track report in the {{}}? Many thanks!
Server crashes? But seriously, uh...I think that works. Try it and see.
haha, ok will do. Cheers!

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Started by Yarmoss
On 30 October 2013
Replies 6
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