Tramping companies to Aurther's Pass in March

Hello. I and my friend would like to tramp in the easy-moderate tracks of Aurther's Pass, such as Avalanche Paek, Ress-Dert, Goat etc, in March. As we are not experienced, we would like to follow experienced people.Women are preferable. We are Japanese women in 30s. Easy-going, well-mannared. Thanks,
Hi There are a group of us doing the Rees-Dart track in March, starting 4th March, and you are both more than welcome to join us. We are a mixed group who as yet have never met each other. If you are atall interested please do feel free to get in touch.
Thanks. But we are starging on 12th of March. Will you guys still in Auther's Pass at that time?
Some of the others might be around at that time, but unfortunately I have to fly back to Australia on the 14th. Have a great time anyway.
Hi Kana The Chch Tramping Club are planning a trip up the Minga-Deception Rivers in Arthurs Pass to Goat Pass (& Hut) on Sat 14th & Sun 15th March which I plan on doing (Im also female :o) ). Im sure they will be happy to have you along. You can also browse some of their other trips at > trip calender. Cheers
PS: Let me know if you would like to come along. Im new to the tramping club but happy to introduce myself if you would like to come along so it is not so daunting. (by the way I too am female in my 30's) :o)
Thank you for the info Lisa. Hope the trip is easy to moderate. As we are beginners, I am not sure we could make a very demanding trip. Cheers, Kana
Hi Kana. The Chch Tramping Club have graded it 'moderate'. Here is a link from the Dept of Conservation Have a read and you will then see if your abilities are suited. Otherwise, a lot of the "Great Walks" are graded easy and could be a good option for you? Hope this helps.
Hi Lisa, That looks very challenging. Sorry we have cold feet. Possibly I'll join the April group that also goes to the Aurthers Pass. You will also join, wont you? At that time we'll have some experiences and confidence. Thanks Lisa.

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Forum Tramping partners
Started by kana12
On 17 February 2009
Replies 8
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