Christchurch Tramping Club

Hi, yes its me again. Im wondering if anyone on this site belongs to the Chch Tramping Club?? I have sent an online application between Christmas and New Year and left three messages over the two weeks enquiring about joining but have not yet heard back. I cant even gate crash a meeting as they havent listed when the next one is :o( If anyone from the Chch Tramping Club is reading this forum, I would love to make contact and join the club!! It really sux not knowing anyone in the area (region even!) that loves tramping.
Stop Press! They just called. Yay!
.... talk about spooky timing!
Be aware, Lisa, when I joined in 1981, they went like greyhounds! I could never keep up! lol
Yea I wondered that! Seems like there is a few 'initiation' tramps before I can officially join but I figure its worth a crack. Even if it just gets me out and about more, I dont care if they take off ahead. Hopefully its not too 'exclusive' as thats not what my idea of tramping is about!
Yes, Lisa, I am much older now, and would never be able to keep up. I can barely keep up with myself these days! lol
I have been a club tramper(not CTC)for many years and am always fighting off the perception that tramping club trampers go too fast. We have a few dingbats in our club too that want to race off. They earn the scorn of most club members anyway. While some club trampers might seem intimidating in their ability, most will be understanding and patient with newer trampers. Also while some tramping clubs appear exclusive, this is also an illusion. Members of clubs are often close friends, forged from many experiences in the backcountry together. A couple of trips with them and you will find that you quickly become part of the group. Clubs tend to have their own perculiar culture and sometimes it is quite hard to get your head around their ways, even if you come from another club. After a short period of time you will find yourself part of that culture and even contributing to it.
Nice, I hope so. Thanks for your reassurance. It'll be great just to be around people who enjoy the same activities I do. Ive got the newsletter now with upcoming trips so am just planning out my next few months before winter hits well and truly! Im looking forward to it :o) .... and testing out my new boots this weekend!

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