Stove fuel

Is it possible to obtain white gas (naphtha) in NZ? If so, where? The Kathmandu store directed us to buy methylated spirits at a grocery, which is not the same thing, as it turns out (it's denatured alcohol).
11–14 of 14

Glad you are sorted. Don't worry too much about Wellington or Picton. There will be plenty of places that have it there too. Infact you will probably start seeing the stuff in every other shop you go into now. You are right, you can't take fuel on the plane and you must also prepare the stove before you fly. Do you know about that procedure? Presumably you did that when you flew into NZ. You need to fully drain and air the tank for 24 hours. Then screw the cap on tightly. Wrap the stove in absorbant material like a paper towel and seal it all in a plastic bag with a rubber band. You then need to declare that you have the the stove at check in and sign a form that says you have completed the above procedure. As an alternative to airing the tank for 24 hours you can rinse it with cooking oil if you don't have time. But I would suggest ringing the airport terminal prior to checking in as you can gaurantee thatthe staff know nothing about this procedure and they will need to go and look up in their dangerous goods manual and then find the correct form!! Also it must be in your checked baggage, not your hand baggage.
Just found a copy of the notice for AirNZ. Qantas have the same rules
I did a bit of a survey around town during my lunch hour and found only 1 outdoor shop in the Rotorua CBD that sells White Spirits. Kathmandu, Mountain Designs and Rebel Sports only sell gas. The one that did is an older style locally owned shop. Another hunting shop that I thought might sell it only had gas as well. So maybe my advise to go to an outdoor shop was not good. Then I went to see a mate who owns the local Mitre 10 franchise. He had it there in the paint department alongside the Meths, Turps and other stuff. It is labelled Fuelite. I asked him if all Mitre 10 stores would have it and he assured me it was a core product and they all should have it. Mitre 10 hardware stores are in most towns so that looks like a good place to go. See and
Or any Caltex service station will probably have it - they sell/label it as "Calite" (in 1 litre clear plastic bottles) and it will usually be with the kero/meths etc
11–14 of 14

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