Backcountry safety and PLBs

Since almost all my tramping is in backcountry about as remote as you can get in the North Island, and solo, safety is my first priority. I am prudent, perhaps cautious, and am well prepared. However, the stress of those close to me when am in the mountains detracts a little from the experience. I had looked at getting a personal locator beacon (PLB). The first choice is GPS enabled or not. PLBs with a GPS onboard are more expensive but can send your exact (if you can get a gps signal) location with your distress call. The newer 406MHz beacons also send unique information that identifies the unit sending the signal and contact details of the owner, perhaps helping with the search. A good deal of my tramping is river routes often with steep sides. My Garmin map60 struggles, often with one or two satellites only. In this situation, would a GPS enabled PLB get help to me any faster than one without? Where you can get a GPS fix, this feature can get help almost straight to you. Having decided to spend the $$$s on a GPS PLB, I came across the SPOT messenger and it has added a whole new option. The Spot messenger (google findmespot) has an onboard GPS and can send a distress signal but also has some other, very useful, functions. The first thing that caught my attention was the ability to send an 'I'm OK' signal with your current location. This goes to a phone as a SMS and/or email as a Google Maps link. Awesome! Now I can let them know where I am and that I am fine. Everyone's happy. It can also send a 'Help me' message for non life threatening emergencies as well as a "911 request" for a full blown emergency. All messages have your current location (if you can get a gps fix). This additional functionality comes with using a commercial satellite system and therefore there is a yearly subscription cost at around USD$100 with some more functions available at a further cost. This means that the signal will be detected in the US not in NZ although it will be passed on immediately, it does add another 'cog in the wheel' and a place for failure. Forums in the US are full of problems with getting a signal although New Zealand and Australia apparently have very good, strong signal coverage. I have been unable to find very much feedback on this product in used in NZ. Anyone have a comment? Sorry for the longgg post :-(
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There was a discussion about charging (this was not my idea!). Charging all members is definitely not on the table. It would just stop people signing up, spammers or not. I prefer a donation model where you are recognised as a supporter rather than a charge for service model. I will be adding further ranks of membership and I feel this will make a big difference. Currently I'm working on alerts, and after that I'll probably work on image uploads as that causes a lot of pain too, and then membership ranks will be next. Another option is automatic flagging of posts from new members that look like spam. Perhaps even hiding them until they're moderated.
How about some kind of restriction on the number of links allowed in posts from people who've been a member for less than a set time, or who've posted less than a certain number of times?
Just when you thought it was safe..........they're back......damn ruskies.....! Go get em Matthew.....!
Oh it's not safe yet. However, at least now I'm logging the spam so I can look at unique features to block.
All far to technical for me, but no doubt you'll work out a way to keep Boris and his henchmen firmly behind the iron curtain soon. All the best.
2 deleted posts from johnjafnee, urlremrooom
Wow - thanks for your amazing trip report, tips on tramping, questions relating to tramping - pictures of recent trips, gear reviews etc etc etc - If you have not been to the South Island - you should go there - try and meet some Kea - as they are incredibly cheeky too!! Although they may not need cash loans - as they are quite good at pinching stuff anywho :)
wow isnt great how the good people of russia are interested in tramping in nz! haha!
I know its a lot of work for you Matthew, but can't you just delete the Rusky posts and revoke their access? They really foul the water with their diarrhea.
This is just getting plain boring.....reporting these links doesn't appear to be making any difference......! I know you're working on it Matthew but in the meantime its getting out of hand I said......boring reading all this crap.
Matthew's not posted anything since 17th Feb, so I presume there have been some big distractions from the website for a while. I hope everything's okay.
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