Coming soon...

Hi everybody, Currently I am working on getting GPX data to appear on tracks. There are quite a few different aspects to this, and I will likely deliver them piece by piece. I expect to have something online in a couple of weeks. Another thing I will be doing at some stage is querying third-party data to add elevation profiles to GPX files that don't have stored elevation data. But that's relatively low priority.
Brilliant. Will the track display include an option to view showing nearby / adjoining tracks on the same map, at any stage? That's been on my wishlist for a while! I realise that may be somewhat expensive in terms of processing though ...
Yes, that is the goal, but it will take a few steps to get there. The idea is to facilitate track segments. Basically, for any track with a decent GPX file, the path will show everywhere you currently see track points -- * small static map top right of track info will show a path * larger interactive map for track will show a path * if you load other tracks onto the interactive track map, they'll show as paths * the general map will show paths * search based on distance will use paths instead of points (subtle difference but slightly more accurate) Eventually, I would imagine collecting some segments together into a "shopping basket" to create your route, then getting an aggregate of all the notes on one page.

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Started by matthew
On 12 September 2013
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