Camp footwear- what do you use?

I have some classic kiwi flip flops that I use, Im wondering what others are using for camp footwear while in huts or around the camp site. Do you even bother to wear anything or are you so hard core you dont mind walking around in bare feet.
11–19 of 19

the duct tape would weigh as much as the shoes. I just shove them down the outside of the pack liner.
I use reef shoes from Number 1 Shoes but have always thought them a bit heavy - might look at the crocs knock-offs mentioned earlier.
I bought a pair of Teva mountain scuffs( I think), very light slip ons that also have a spider grip sole on them so good for trips to the loo
I had a pair of crocs which my brother resoled in a good grippy tread. I saw a guy wearing some when he was leaving Pfeiffer Biv. Pretty staunch.
A pair of socks, coated with Selleys Spred Sole.
Hmm. Selleys "Spread Sole" you say ?. Quick Google search & I see climbers rate it. Might try a bit on my Brisbane Crocs, if it doesn't dissolve them ?!. Don't think treated sox on their own, would get me to the loo & back with dry feet.
Selleys Spred Sole !! sounds like it would be good on toast
Looks like Marmite on toast, but smells funny.
I wear a pair of $10 aqua shoes, look for lightweight ones. They pack small and sole good enough to get to the toilet.
11–19 of 19

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