Coroner questions safety of Cascade Saddle

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1 deleted post from bradley1
Not much you can say about that: dangerous location ,questionable gear, bad time of year! It is tragic, because people dont realise what they are getting themselves into. Especially there, potentially one of the most dangerous outdoor spots in New Zealand. When I went over the saddle with some mates back in the 90's I was "packing my trousers" because of the obvious danger.
i was packing my trousers when i saw the route,, was fine once i was walking it, since i was busy concentrating on not falling off it.... but you could see how easily you could fall especially in slippery conditions... problem is it would be one of the most dangerous tramping routes in nz for the no of people who walk it. after i went over it, rain was foreacast , one young chap in dart hut was going over the pass, i told him not to attempt it in the rain he wasnt going to listen... the rain held off so he never featured in the news....
Surely they can't "close" the route... can they? I would think it would have to be education, warning signs, etc.
remember this is from a coroner who will likely have little or no tramping experience... wheres izogi when you need him? he knows the ins and outs of what doc can and cant close... from memory, it has to come from the minister or the director of doc using the ministers delegated authority to close the track, and its a grey area with that track when conditions are safe and unsafe, it can vary day by day. they "close" the milford track from time to time during torrential rain when the water gets too high on the track... the hut rangers tell you the track is "closed until further notice" put a chain and sign on the track at the hut saying its closed.. there is already a sign at the bottom of the cascade warning about the dangers of the track,, it spells it out , its dangerous and slippery in bad weather and you should be prepared and experienced in alpine conditions.... it says "should not be attempted in adverse weather" i'm looking at a photo of the sign i took..... but as always theres people who have coped with adverse weather before and may think the sign is for the inexperienced only...
A group of us fit young men went down from Cascade Saddle back in the 60s. There was no snow and i can't remember if it was wet, but fortunately we roped up and descended using ice axes. Just as well because our most inexperienced member fell near the top but was held by the rope. I remember us going very slowly and becoming benighted at the bush line. Had a very interesting descent through the bush with the pathetic torches of that era. There's no way i would even contemplate that route now at 67. Fear, as I age, is sure limiting my tramping options - dammit! lol
yeah i wouldnt be too keen to go down with a full pack, i'd be downclimbing it at the top,
wouldnt surprise me if doc put some sort of safety structure on the saddle... at the coromandel pinnacles it used to be a half hour steep rock scramble to the top.... massive no's of people go up there, dozens a day in summer. never heard of any deaths, not aware of injuries. yet they built a massive set of steps up to the top, hundreds of them... installed metal rungs in the steepest places and industrial strength metal ladder with flat steps and handrail....
I think it is officially a route, not a track so the quality of care by DOC is less for that area. Zigzag incline possibily.
zig zag is an option, but won't make a difference once there's a reasonable amount of snow i think a zig zag would take a lot of work, the soil is thin and you'd have to cut into rock to build it..
1–10 of 26

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