otira and otahake Rivers

Hi,we're planning on going through harpers pass in a few days ,forecast is fine but I'm wondering what the rivers will be like to cross at this time of year after a couple of days of settled weather.I know crossing the otira is optional but I think you still have to cross the Otahake.Anyone know what they are like at present? (ps ,new member so hope I've posted this in the right forum).Thanks
Cold :-)
they go up and down quickly like yo yo's according to when its rained last.... generally crossable when it hasnt been raining, dangerous when it has
I was there when the Taramakau and Otira were in flood. Spent all but the 1st couple of km from Locke Stream on the south bank of the Taramakau, and crossed only the Otahake. The crossing-point was good (at that time - 2007): thigh-deep but slow-moving on a good gravel bed. The Otahake was MUCH lower than the other two rivers - which would have been impossible to cross, even with mutual support (an option I did not have). Tumbling white water in both. My backup plan was to bush-bash 3km upriver to the swingbridge - but as I got across easily I never got to try out this option. The 1st 800, looks like the only dodgy bit - maybe someone else can advise.
Thanks all for your replies,forecast is good so will go in from the east tommorrow. sounds like the Otahake should be ok as long as it hasn't been raining.Some people have said the swingbridge on the Otahake has been removed, not sure though,hope I dont have to find out.Cheers.
the bridge is still on the map you could email doc at arthurs pass to confirm if there is still a bridge http://www.topomap.co.nz/NZTopoMap?v=2&ll=-42.782002,171.693214&z=14
The Swing bridge a few up the Otehake river below Lake Kaurapataka has been removed . Check D.O .C website or http://www.softrock.co.nz
tried to post a report on the rivers on the harpers pass tramp but didn,t work so will try again. Hurunui,Taramakau Otehake,and otira were all quite low and easily crossed also surprisingly not that cold when we went through in the weekend,none were above knee height so barring wet weather they should be okay for a while.Great tramp for anyone keen,easier going from east to west if you know state of the rivers,pretty steep on the west side.
The Otehake does stop some people sometimes. Frank and I crossed it once thigh deep, then realized a couple of guys were watching us crossing with great interest. We found out they'd camped overnight then organized a helicopter on their mountain radio as they weren't too sure about crossing the Otehake. They cancelled the ride out and we recrossed the river with them, then we crossed it once again.

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