Quigley's Track

Does anybody know anything about this track near Reefton? Does it exist? Only reference I've found is a 2005 M.Sc. thesis which appears to indicate at least the start of the track exists. I'm rather fascinated by old gold trails. http://www.topomap.co.nz/NZTopoMap/trck19423/Quigleys%20Track/West-Coast
I walked the majority of it back in 1978. It was unmaintained but still followable back then. I've worked opening up old West Coast mining tracks/cullers tracks & locating historic sites near them over the years and have a reasonable handle on old miners tracks on the WC south of Reefton. Unfortunately many old benched miners tracks have been destroyed over the last 45 years by having roads or dozer tracks put on top of them, being mined, being logged over/planted in exotic trees etc. Fortunately some remain and are maintained as walking tracks. I'd bet big parts of Quigley's track are still followable. I've walked a lot of other unmaintained historic tracks on the Coast over the last 6 years and if you are patient you can still follow them. Windfalls, slips, missing bridges and sometimes dense regen are challenges you may need to overcome. I've nicked a few open in a private capacity to keep them usable but not Quigley's.
Thanks Glenn. I'll definitely give this a go when I get a free weekend (and that may be not for a very long time with fatherhood pending). I did notice the Globe Mine looks pretty huge.
Yes the Globe and other nearby pits are a big operation. I've done contract work for Oceana Gold looking for old adits ahead of prospecting & mining operations. Tracks, hut sites & various relics were also regularly encountered & their gps locations provided to Oceana along with the adit information. I enjoyed following the old miners tracks encountered. [These days with gps it is so much easier than when I did similar work for the Forest Service. Back then if we wanted to accurately record locations we had to do a chain & compass survey & then tie back in to a known point] Matthew did you do the Explorer hut trip you planned? If so you may have noticed the short section of early benched pack track on the TR of the Mikonui between Gribben & Mikonui Flats.
I didn't make it. Ran out of weekends and put a moratorium on trips one month before our due date. As it happens, we're still waiting.... I'll leave it on my to do list though, plus Quigleys, plus the Tin Range.

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Forum Tracks, routes, and huts
Started by matthew
On 6 May 2013
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