Updates 11 April

Hi everybody, Stability has been an issue recently, and I believe I may have isolated a significant factor: a monitoring tool that caused undue load. I have added a general map in finally. I hope you like it. There is no search on it yet, but you can browse around. I am working on track search at the moment. I know it's a rather glaring omission. There is still a very long list of items on my to-do list. Let me know if something is particularly bugging you, otherwise I'll just keep working through things.
Hey man, been using this site for a while to find huts and tracks for 4x4 trips and tramping and just wanted to say cheers for the awesome resource and effort!
Cheers! Hope the new map helps you find things quicker. I'll be working on search next.
Hello Matthew, Is there anyway of sending a message to a member directly or contacting them on here, trying to arrange a partner for tramp with someone who contacted me on the forum!! Thanks. Great website by the way. Murfmonkey
Hey Murfmonkey, Not at the moment sorry. I will be adding that at some stage. Counting this as a vote for that feature.
Something to think about as an add on at some stage If you browse to a users id it would be nice to have a list of there recent posts. It can help if looking for a post you know a user made but cant remember the title. It can also help in deciding if a post is appropriate or not ie a post today about a tramping partner in Nelson that could be kosher but might really be something else altogether.
I saw the post you mean. If I'm not sure I give benefit of the doubt. Yes, that, or a form of it will be in the next code update.

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Started by matthew
On 11 April 2013
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