Triangle to Howletts, Ruahines

Am going to the Ruahines in a couple of weeks as want to know if there is a more direct route from Triangle hut up to Howletts, than round through Iron Gate hut. Up the east branch of the Oroua headwater and on to Taumataamekura looks simple but knowing the Ruahines there could be an impenetrable leatherwood hedge. anyone been that way?
11–14 of 14

Hi all, Did the trip to Triangle then changed our plans and didn't go up to Te Hekenga. However we are going back to in September to attempt the Sawtooth Ridge, approach from the east through Kashmir Rd. Can anybody give me a time from Howletts to Tiraha and then along Sawtooth itself to Ohuinga. Depending on how rugged Sawtooth is it looks like about 3hrs (howletts to Ohuinga) to me. Further has anyone a time for the section of the main range north of Ohinga to point A6G4- turn offto Smith Stream Hut? Reports I have read say Sawtooth ridge is not too bad, is this the case?
Hi @bmackz. My timing between Tiraha and Ohuinga in April (no snow, just cold and claggy) was 1 hour 45, and that's probably on the slow side as I was with some exceptionally sick-feeling people. Yes Sawtooth wasn't too bad when I was there, from memory. Just keep an eye on your nav if it's clagged in, as there are a few deceptions you can get caught in along there. I found the section between Ohuinga and .1584, then towards .1632, to be somewhat worse travel than along Sawtooth, but it doesn't sound as if you're planning to go that way. I didn't see Howletts on that occasion (because we'd come over from the Rangiwahia side and over Te Hekenga to get to Sawtooth), but on another occasion, a timing in reverse direction from Tiraha through the saddle and along Daphne Ridge to Howletts (middle of summer) was about 50 minutes. The saddle's a bit of a grunt, but it's relatively flat and easy beyond that I think. Haven't been along Broken Ridge so I can't help you there. Apparently it's a common Sawtooth circuit to go back down Black Ridge and out via Tarn Biv and Daphne, but I haven't done that either. You may wish to check it out beforehand just in case you need to bail out of the longer option, though. Have fun. It's a neat place and Howletts is a fantastic little hut, especially if there's a blanket of snow. Note that if you plan to stay there, it's not on the DOC hut ticket system. Instead, you're meant to send donations to the Heretaunga Tramping Club.
Thanks izogi. My estimates were a lot more conservative than your times, so thats good. I am interested in your comments about 1584 & 1632 as I have looked at that and wondered if you can even get along. Its such an obvious route yet no one seems to go that way. Looked at it from Mangamahue in May and there is a deep saddle and several pinnacles, most parties from Waterfall seem to go Broken ridge. Saddle? Between Tiraha and Howletts, going south? 300m climb going north but maps shows only a couple of small bumps. Or do you mean north of Ohuinga? Have been to Howletts on two previous occasions and been turned back from Sawtooth by weather and in Sept our chances probably aren't much better. Yes have Black Ridge as an escape route or might even come back that way from Hinerua Hut if weather is OK.
Hi bmackz. Maybe I'm too late, but to clarify for anyone else who reads this thread -- You were right! I messed up the advice about the saddle. The saddle I was thinking of is further back between Howletts and Longview, between .1415 and .1271. Sorry for the confusion. The 50 minute timing from Tiraha to Howletts, whatever terrain was in the middle, should still be what I measured (I've just re-checked). Regarding .1584 to .1632, we went that way as a route down to Pourangaki Hut for the night. It enabled us to have a nice loop for a lengthy summer day starting at Rangiwahia, around and over Te Hekenga, around to and over Sawtooth, then via .1584 and .1632 and down to Pourangaki. The day ended up being frustratingly slow towards the end because I was chaperoning someone who was feeling increasingly sick, and it was nearly dark by the time we hit .1632, so impressions of the travel between those two points might have been worse than reality. I don't remember it well, but the profile from Maungamahue might not tell the full story, as I think we spent part of the time following minor sidling routes slightly below the ridge-line.
11–14 of 14

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Forum Tracks, routes, and huts
Started by bmackz
On 11 April 2013
Replies 13
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