Barker Hut route

Hi, I wonder if anybody has walked this and can shed some light on the cairned route over the ravine just before the hut. We climbed high on the golden spur just past the Cahill stream then sidled upward until we had a good view of the ravine and all its hazards. Then we crossed over and climbed out the far bank. On the way out, we were trying to follow the cairned route but it led down to a gorged section of the ravine (presumably where the bridge used to be) and so we returned the way we had come in. Just wondering if there is another route lower down, or if there is some unhelpful cairning here. Anybody?
I've just updated the route notes here. If anybody has tips on the ravine crossing, let me know or just update the notes...
I don't think there is a lower route, just old cairns marking the way to the long gone bridge, like you thought. I crossed well upstream of the ravine. Wouldn't want to fall in anywhere near there.
Thanks. Perhaps those are just very old cairns. Sound like everybody is going the same way.

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Forum Tracks, routes, and huts
Started by matthew
On 25 March 2013
Replies 3
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