Where do people buy boots in Chch nowadays?

I used to go for a walk down Lichfield St then Colombo St to check out what boots are available. But I couldn't even name half the shops that I used to go to, so I'm not sure how to look up where they moved to! Where do other people go now (aside from Tower Junction)?
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"you shouldnt have to clean gore tex daily for it to remain effective. " Perhaps not daily, but Gore-Tex itself, at least, advises regular washing and maintenance, and that "it's critical that you clean your GORE-TEX® products frequently, relative to the level of use and even if your garment does not appear soiled. Dirt, perspiration, body oils and sunscreens can build up over time and affect your product's performance." http://www.gore-tex.com.au/washing-maintenance-instructions/w1/i1001208/ People's actual experience compared with manufacturer recommendations might vary. These types of manufacturers are often notoriously difficult to get reliable information out.
Thanks Izogi. The saleswoman I spoke to understood the content of your quote and that the frequent cleaning requirement would be necessary but impractical for the type of use I would subject a goretex garment. The goretex leggings that failed would be visibly filthy after a couple of hours use on a wet day.
the water may not have been coming straight through, unless you've put a lot of holes in the fabric, what would have happened is the membrane just stopped breathing and it was sweat buildup you were experiencing, a lot of people think the moisture buildup with breathable fabrics is water coming in from the outside. the most breathable waterproof clothes are those with vents....
No. The water was coming thru from the outside & there were no visible holes. I know what sweat build up wetness is like from the Techniflex leggings which can sweat & the old pvc style leggings.
in theory gore tex won't let water through, it gets out of the fabric as vapour, thats the only way it can get through if the fabric is intact.. maybe the seams failed or there were minute holes.
the petrol in the 2 stroke destroyed the membrane?
Geeves, "the petrol in the 2 stroke destroyed the membrane?" A possibility & maybe part of the reason? There is certainly some exposure from fuel residue on the saw body when you rest the saw on your thigh & from your bottles/toucan of 2 stroke mix & chain bar oil on your waist belt. Also fine particles in the exhaust emissions I suppose. What ever the reasons new goretex leggings failed after a few days. I actually tried tried cleaning them as recommended but after a couple of hours or less they were leaking like a seive again.
there was an article on tv about someone who bought gore tex for farm work and had similar issues... he took the clothes back to kathmandu and they never got to the bottom of it. wonder if it was a similar issue with chemicals being exposed to the fabric, he went and bought event and had no problems with that...
it was a nz programme like fair go or campbell or closeup a while back
Wayno I never saw that programme but the issue does sound remarkably similar to my experience with the leggings. When goretex was fairly new in NZ a number in the Forest Industry also had problems with goretex garments & gave up on using them. Very interesting that the farmer switched to Event & it was ok.
21–30 of 41

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