Milford or Routeburn winter conditions?

I'm thinking about doing one of these tracks in late June. Is this a possability ? how likely am i to see other trampers or wardens at this time of year? whats the avalanche situation in june ? likely or not? I did the kepler last Oct and the snow up top was fairly deep but made it accross without too much trouble :)
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sorry i mean rain not snow
If you've only got 3 days then I would suggest just doing The Divide to Lake Mackenzie and back again. Take your time, maybe spend 2 night at Lake Mackenzie. Its 4-6 hours walk from the road to Mackenzie hut. With a 2nd night there you could explore the basin.... there's a track that goes up the lake to the Split Rock, and then on to the head of the lake, but from there you can follow the stream that comes down from Emily Pass. Don't know how high up you'd get at that time of the year but there would be plenty of time to play in the snow. The Mobil garage in Te Anau also hires beacons. Being a petrol station they have much longer open hours then the DOC offices.
21–22 of 22

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Forum Tracks, routes, and huts
Started by linz01
On 14 March 2013
Replies 21
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