Quick trip

Hey guys, I am going to be in the Mount Cook area soon and wondering of a good track to a small hut for a quick overnight trip? Any thing possible other then Mueller? Thanks.
Sefton Biv? No bunks, fits the bill as small but does require a bit of routefinding and head for heights compared to Mueller track but magic scenery nonetheless. It is generally a climbers base for The Footstool or Sefton but makes for a great day trip or O/N sipping on a few coldies. Other options about if you care to take a bivvy bag or similar. Good options just S of Twizel in the Ohau mountains I think (Hopkins/Huxley valleys) if escaping the masses is what you're after.
Sefton Biv? No bunks, fits the bill as small but does require a bit of routefinding and head for heights compared to Mueller track but magic scenery nonetheless. It is generally a climbers base for The Footstool or Sefton but makes for a great day trip or O/N sipping on a few coldies. Other options about if you care to take a bivvy bag or similar. Good options just S of Twizel in the Ohau mountains I think (Hopkins/Huxley valleys) if escaping the masses is what you're after.
Thanks a ton. We will have the tent along also, is it free backcountry camping anywhere up there?
Thanks a ton. We will have the tent along also, is it free backcountry camping anywhere up there?
Yes, there may be some obligation to cart out your poop but I'd check with DoC on that, if you're concerned. http://www.doc.govt.nz/parks-and-recreation/national-parks/aoraki-mount-cook/plan-and-prepare/pack-it-out-poo-pots/

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Forum Tracks, routes, and huts
Started by joskuf
On 6 February 2013
Replies 5
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