Seeking parter(s) anytime from 13/12 through Feb.

I'm from the U.S., and am exploring both islands for the next three months. Ideally, I'd like to find someone who is an experienced tramper, and either knows NZ well, or would like to explore some good (and especially off-the-beaten-path) routes. I am in my early 50s, but am in excellent shape. I am open to both day tramps, and longer ones up to 4/5 days. I have a car, and would be happy to drive and pay for the basic expenses. I'd even be open to paying a reasonable fee to someone who is an expert, and could show me some routes that I would be unlikely to find on my own. I am fairly flexible, though am currently in Rotorua, and planning to make my way south. Cheers! Tony
hey there Tony greetings from Northland. I'm an organic farmer (51 years old), female, very keen on tramping, I'm an ex pat American who is married to a Kiwi, been here in Aotearoa/NZ for 25 years.... keen on doing some tramps but my husband is tied up with business committments and also a hunting trip. get in touch~! x cheers for now, x Zelka Linda Grammer, Maungakaramea, Whangarei 09 4322155 email: [Email address removed]
p.s. I'm a very experienced tramper and yep I do love the secret ways, botanising, the rarefied air, obscure tracks, huts, peaks, gorges, ravines, swimming in crystalline pools...I have an PLB and do lots of solo trips as well as tramps with mates but everyone is now back at work and I'm itching to get out on the hill.

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Forum Tramping partners
Started by Tony C.
On 11 December 2012
Replies 2
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