Lake Stream,Rahu Saddle

Am wondering if Glennj or anyone else has been into the hut an hour or two up the track which runs off the highway about 3km west of Rahu Saddle(West Coast,near Reefton).Apparently there is a fine,Fiordland-like hanging valley further up.Name of the hut & any other info would be useful.
Do you mean this?,172.118545&z=14
Hi Lew, Yes I've been there several times. On this site it is listed as "Lake Stream Hut" though it's more of a bivvy than a hut. Might be a couple of hours going up to the "biv" with a day pack but from memory it takes me about 2.5hrs with an overnight or several day sized pack. Some people take 3.5hrs to reach the "biv" and 3hrs on the return trip. It is a nice area. There are a few photos of the surrounding country on this site. The biv can easily be day tripped! If you are in the area it would be a shame not to get on to the tops at the head of Lake Stream for a look.
From here you can do a harder trip into the head of Waitahu River and the little hut up there or get up on the tops to do challenging stuff like Ivess Peak i.e. stuff on my bucket list.
Thanks guys & gal,Thanks for your input.Yes,it`s Lake Stream Hut,as per your post,Yarmoss.We`re heading up to Nelson for a week & a mate wanted to have a look;be rude not to go with him.As for my bucket-list,Honora,it`s a veritable 44 gallon drum!And Glennj;I would have been very surprised if you hadn`t been in here.If you`re ever over Mid Canterbury,I`m sure we could find somewhere you haven`t trodden.

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Forum Tracks, routes, and huts
Started by lewshaw
On 30 November 2012
Replies 4
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