Te Araroa Trail forums

Hi! I'm new here so I apologise if it's out of line to start off by posting a link, but I'm thinking that there's a lot of knowledge here and people who use forums to discuss a range of topics and that a) you might be interested in a Te Araroa trail forum, and b) that if you were you would have valuable tramping insight to share with users. The forum is an independent undertaking (i.e. it's not organised by the Te Araroa Trust, though I fully support the work they do) to assist trampers intending to hike some or all of the trail. It's still a work in progress but if you're interested in having a look you can find it here: http://teararoatrail.freeforums.org/index.php
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i'm not pointing the finger at anyone in particular in my comment,its a general comment to what i've seen in people talking about tracks like the TA,,, like i've seen great comments about the john muir trail. but if you look at a profile of the track and its elevation you're left in no doubt it's a challenging track, i'd never read anywhre about the amount of passes and climbing involved, i had to actively search for that specific information to find a map on it and i happened to attend a talk where the talker mentioned the total altitude gain.... sometimes it can be hard to gain an objective view of what a trackis like , ideally it would be best to have an objective view BEFORE you start walking it rather than get a rude shock on it.
Haa haa, silly American trying to tell kiwis you know better. :) Nyaa nyaa ne naa nyaaaah. Starting a topic in these forums is always an invitation for everyone to go off on opinionated soapbox tangents that largely miss the point of the original post. Thanks for the balance. :P
ha-ha -- isn't that what Americans are (supposed to be) all about? :)
I'll add that I'm a fan of soap-box tangents, but I'd hate for it to take away from @citizenjane's original post noting that there's now a set of forums out there focusing on Te Araroa. :)
or create an alternate soap box thread...
theres a new forum dedicated to te araroa for those wanting to contribute http://teararoatrail.freeforums.org/index.php
For you folks hoping to do a wilderness-based traverse of New Zealand, I just want to reassure you that climbing skills aren't required e.g. multi-pitch belaying, but basic snowskills (ice axe, crampons and maybe some limited knowledge of rope work including setting up anchors and knowing knots)are certainly required, IMHO and experience.
Nah. A soap-box thread won't stop people from getting on soap-box tangents in threads that began with other things. It'd just attract posts that might otherwise have been their own threads. :) I think it'd help if changing the subject line when responding to posts would automatically spin off a new (but connected) thread. As is, it only changes the title of the individual post but leaves it as part of the original thread, and then all follow-up responses revert back to the original thread.
Thanks Honora -- that's what I meant to say. Just substitute "basic snow skills & some exposed scrambling" for where I said "climbing" in my post above (the really long, rambly post)... For any potential TA hikers out there, I do remember 3 specific places where TA had some scrambly bits that involved more exposure than a risk-averse hiker like me was willing to do: * somewhere in the Tararuas, although I can't remember the spot. I seem to remember a revised TA/Tararua route (bypassing it) being easy to devise. * same for somewhere in the Richmond Range, except I don't remember an easy bypass. * Waiau Pass, which might very well present a dead-end & required turnaround for any hiker uncomfortable with exposed scrambling. Here I definitely agree w/Waynowski that (at least 3 years ago) TA had not done a good job advertising the potential difficulty of these 3 bits. Then again, I think most Kiwi trampers would scoff at the difficulty factor, since it seems that the skills required are genetically hardwired in Kiwis. :) Eric Martinot's TA report is fairly essential reading for any potential TA hiker (although it's pretty old now), and I believe all three spots were mentioned within: http://www.martinot-nz.info/nztrek/j.htm Maybe these have been re-routed since my research 3 years ago. Or not...
nah the younger kiwis are softer than the older generation... too much riding around in cars.... tv, computer games....
21–30 of 31

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Forum Tracks, routes, and huts
Started by citizenjane
On 22 October 2012
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