Tramping Partner!

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Hello, I'm a 28 year old female looking for a tramping partner starting January 2013. I am a student from the states and am currently doing research in Rotorua on the NZ Bush falcon. My work finishes in late December and then plan to hit up all the tracks on the north and south islands. I want to do the 'Long Walk' Te Arorea, but have tickets for Milford Feb 14th so that puts a kink in doing the long walk in one go haha. I'm looking for someone who is flexible and loves to explore. We can gear our tramping to wherever the wind takes us!! My visa is good for a year (Sept 2013) so we have time to see whatever we want. Let me know!! -Jen
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:) forum mail is still blocked :) Let's say, Me and my wife are planning to visit New Zeland in January. And we have a lot of plans at South island including rafting, canyoning and tramping of course :) So we can discuss some opportunities to tramp together if you are interested. We are 28 & 25 yrs old and we are from Russia fun and easy going (I suppose :) very interested in other countries culture an people. Feel free to contact via forum mail if interested.
Hi, i will be tramping the Waikeremoana lakes area in December then possibly heading down to the South island to the north west area - Able Tasman and Takaka, let me know if any of this would work for you. Mike
I'll be doing a variation of the Five Passes with possibly some extra passes thrown in starting late December if you're down Queenstown way then. Also still trying to do the Monowai to Manapouri route in late Jan (my 3rd year trying). Im always up for company.
Hello, I´m also looking for someone who wants to join me on Deadmens Track (South island; short cut for Routbourn Track). I have no fixed date, just between 10. and 20. January. I have no experience in tramp such terrain, that why I don’t want to walk alone. The plan is to start at Routebourn Shelter to Routbourn Falls Hut, stay there over night, and then take the Deadmens Track downwards to Guns Camp. JOJO
deadmans track is a very steep , very rough track. its more of an emergency escape route from the routeburn, if youre not experienced on those sorts of tracks its not a good place to start, especially in wet weather. in the wet it is slippery and treacherous and should be avoided.
deadmans track description
deadmans track topomap
deadmans track topomap
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Forum Tramping partners
Started by jfontan
On 5 October 2012
Replies 15
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