Tramping Partner!

Hello, I'm a 28 year old female looking for a tramping partner starting January 2013. I am a student from the states and am currently doing research in Rotorua on the NZ Bush falcon. My work finishes in late December and then plan to hit up all the tracks on the north and south islands. I want to do the 'Long Walk' Te Arorea, but have tickets for Milford Feb 14th so that puts a kink in doing the long walk in one go haha. I'm looking for someone who is flexible and loves to explore. We can gear our tramping to wherever the wind takes us!! My visa is good for a year (Sept 2013) so we have time to see whatever we want. Let me know!! -Jen
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Thanks for the comments for deadmans track!
Hi Jen I'm based in Wellington and keen to get back into tramping starting early next year. I work full time, so would mostly be restricted to weekends and holidays, but I'd be interested in a tramping partner, since I'm reluctant to tramp alone and don't know anyone interested in my friend group.
Try a tramping club. Im in Hut Valley tramping club and live in Newlands but used to belong to Wellington Tramping club. There is also Tararua Komatua (over 40s) and Catholic tramping clubs in Wellington area and Parawai in Paraparaumu and Upper Valley in Upper Hut. All are good clubs. Clubs give you a group of people to go with on a range of trips They generally have a bit of spare gear for those starting out. Even better than always going with the same person.
Thanks Geeves. I plan on joining the WTMC next year also. Just need to slowly build up some of the essential kit first.
Hey Jan, I'm from the U.S. too and I'm heading back to NZ from Australia on Jan 1st. My little brother is meeting me in Christchurch (I used to work there) and we are spending the whole month going tramping. We were going to do Mueller Hut, Hollyford Track, Gertrude Saddle, Routeburn and come back via Caples, Ben Lomand, Copland Track, and some day walks through the Catlins if we make it there. I don't know if I'm going to rent a car or try and borrow one from a friend but we were just going to stay at backpackers or tent along the way. Let me know if you're interested, we wanted to save some money on petrol and its always fun having more people come with!
Hey Jan, Nicole, My boyfriend and I are heading to New Zealand from the 2-13th January and really want to do some walks in South Island.The Routeburn Track looks amazing, but guided walks are really expensive. I'm a fairly experienced walker and would love to do it, but would prefer to do it with some others. Safety in numbers! We are 29 and 30, from the UK and Norway, living in London. Want to make the most of out time in NZ. We're open to other ideas as well, the Routeburn Track is well advertised but if you know of something better happy to hear about it. Let me know if you want to link up!
11–16 of 16

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Forum Tramping partners
Started by jfontan
On 5 October 2012
Replies 15
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