Freedom Atmos Tent

Was thinking of buying one of these tents anyone any advice or experience would be greatly appreciated. One big question around this tent i have is condensation?
Freedom Camping make some great tents. I have a Sequel and Atmos. I use the Sequel when tramping with my sons and the Atmos for solo/double tramps.I haven't found condensation a problem but that's always conditional on how long you have to live in one etc. All in all, a great tent at around 2kg and great price $299. Only drawback it can't be pitched fly first which is a bummer in the rain. Just have to work fast.
5000mm waterproof rating for the floor seems low.... i wouldnt trust a rating below 10,000mm
1 deleted post from strider
Piffle, stuff'n'nonsense :) The difference in 'real' hydrostatic pressure between 5 & 10,000 is a marketing gimmick just like .005% Total Harmonic Distortion in loudspeakers is completely meaningless to the human ear. If rain could generate a 10 meter head of pressure then your tent would collapse. The floor rating is of more concern, but even then you would have to pitch your tent in a stream to start to approach those pressures. There is more moisture from condensation inside a tent than from rain. Which brings us back to your original question. Condensation in tents is a fact of life, especially if you can't vent to the outside air, or if the outside air is humid.
my understanding is that much pressure can be generated where the fabric gets pressured between two objects , such as with a pack on or a body on a tent floor..... anything below 5000 definitely isnt rated as waterproof. i have a jacket rated at 6000 and its not waterproof in a storm....

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