
Easy question and a lot less discussion worthy than my last topic. All the good books recommend a pair or knitted wollen gloves with a pair or gortex or similar over gloves or mittens. This does work well. Or it least it did untill I lost my mittens. Actually I lost one mitten and glove rendering the other one useless. The gloves are cheap but the overmits are worth a fortune. I also have several pairs of perfectly good ski gloves that are plenty warm enough on a ski field and cost a fraction of what the proper gloves cost. Is there any reason not to use ski gloves?
11–14 of 14

Geeves, this reminds me of a nursery rhyme, or am I just showing my age? "Oh mother dear, we sadly fear that we have lost our mittens." "What! Lost your mittens, you naughty kittens! Then you shall have no pie." The three little kittens they found their mittens, And they began to cry, "Oh mother dear, see here, see here For we have found our mittens." "Put on your mittens, you silly kittens And you shall have some pie" Now let us have some pie." Some problems are universal :)
Different words to the ones I knew but yes I was having a little fun in a minor topic. I suspect your version is much older than my simpler version.
Yeah its a bit Olde English isn't it. I suspected you were taking the mickey mouse. Next time you could try puss'n'boots.
Cant see me losing my boots. Slippers maybe
11–14 of 14

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Forum Gear talk
Started by geeves
On 17 July 2012
Replies 13
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