Queen Charlotte Track for a Non tramper?

I am just wondering what experiences people have had walking the Queen Charlotte. I have a couple of friends that are keen to try out tramping but are concerned about the sleeping arrangements! It looks to be a pretty easy track with quite a lot of accommodation options. Any advice welcome! (also any other tracks that might be suitable?)
We walked this last year, and it exceeded my expectations. Our party was two couples, with one partner being a non tramper. She walked some days, and on the hardest and longest day just took the boat with the luggage. Our first day was the afternoon boat to Ships Cove, so not a long day there. We used a mix of accomodation, from a B n B, a lodge and a backpackers. It was great to mix it up. Depending on when you are going, you may find you need to book early to get your choice of accommodation, as it can book out fast.
theres one long day in it with lots of hills. 24km... the rest is straight forward... big choice of type of accomodation for all budgets... boats can ferry your gear between accomodation, so you only need a day pack

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Forum Tracks, routes, and huts
Started by ellaleah
On 12 June 2012
Replies 2
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