4 day 3 night tramp Nelson/Hamner springs ArthursP

We're planning to come down from Auckland over labour weekend and want a 4 day 3 night tramp to do. Can fly into either nelson or Christchurch so needs to be within easy driving distance of either. Want mountain scenery not bush otherwise I'd stay and do the Waitakeres! Tossing up between Wangapeka track and St James walkway-appreciate feedback on which one would be better or an alternative. Thanks !
st james is all valley walking out in the open, the wangapeka is mainly in the bush with some pass hops above the bushline.. but it's nicer bush than the waitaks
St James is typically 5 days, but can be done quicker if you travel light or don't mind a long day or simply bring a tent ?. It's a loop, and you can leave your vehicle parked with the guy at the Boyle Village, who can also shuttle you in (for a price). Being a valley walk, all the scenery is around or above you. You don't really look down from any great height. You can do side trips up out of the valley. An alternative could be day walks, or so, in the Arthurs Pass, which will get you into the tops ?.
What about Nelson Lakes? Bushline Hut, Angelus Hut ( maybe 2 nights with alpine side trips from here). Return the same way, or drop down into Speargrass Hut and out.Stunning alpine scenery, but you would need to check current snow conditions prior.
Thanks for the posts so far. Forgot to say 2 members of our group have already done angelus and bush hut so looking for something different. But very helpful suggestions so far!

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Forum Tracks, routes, and huts
Started by carmen
On 11 June 2012
Replies 4
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