outdoor research helium jackets

Just purchased an outdoor research helium jacket which is to be tested out next week in the Nelson lakes district any comments if anyone has worn one breathable and waterproof and oh so light :) I give an impression when I get back Thats if it gets out my pack :)
I wore it for what I thought was raining come Nope just a shower Waiting for a Wellington downpour :)
next week will see a good test
might be a problem in warmer weather, it doesnt have pit zips or vented pockets to get rid of buildup of sweat. still it's a very compact, lightweight jacket, not sure how long the material will last being so thin, friction against teh pack can wear teh thinner fabrics faster, I see jackets like that more of jackets you take if there is less of a chance of rain. I prefer something that has vents in it if it's going to be raning a lot, otherwise i end up drenched in sweat in anything but the coldest conditions.
Very good jacket. If your wanting a lightweight tramping/adventure racing jacket then it is great. Material will last a good amount of time but due to being a lighter weight thinner jacket it has a higher chance of being damaged. They roll down to a small size which allows it to be easily stored. They are a very breathable jacket and are amazingly water proof for how light weight they are. Very comfortable jacket which allows a lot of body movement.

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