The Bear returns!

Bear Grylls returns to Discovery channel tomorrow night 8.30pm to amaze us with his survival skills. This time in Tongariro National Park. 'He crosses a raging river on a tree trunk and is then forced up an active volcano'. I expect he will get into the park by leaping from the Overlander train while it is crossing a viaduct then work his way up the gorge! All that on a diet of weta.
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The reality show that I might watch would be where the contestants have to run a mountain marathon across mountains in NZ's most beautiful National Parks and then at the end of it cook up a gourmet dish, ala Masterchef, using a stove, utensils and ingredients carried with them along the way. The winner would be the one who attains the best points for cooking combined with the shortest time to complete the course. I wouldn't compete in it (my pack would be too heavy) but I would like to watch some other mug do it.
that improves on my idea and might actually be fun (to watch)
Something about that idea remotely reminds me of Chessboxing.
Someone told me the bit at the start was next to the aniwhenua power station at galatea. Where he gets to at the end of the jetboat ride and it shows a waterfall.
I cant think of a single 2 day journey that encompasses a big river with waterfall I was thinking Huka falls but didnt look right, A steep descent to a sulphurous river. To my limited knowledge that can only be the Whangaheau Could this make the first river the Whanganui or Tongarero? If that was the case though he got to hot pools very quick. Other options around Rotorua and Galatea are possible but I dont know the rest of the area. I got to see this as a rerun last night Did anyone else notice that where he set his campsite there were wheel marks in the grass at the top of the screen. Realy not sure on his decission to head north because thats where all the people are. NZ is a long skinny country and there is a major road around 90% of the coast. I would be heading east or west.
the programe has always been a fabrication, someone found a sght whre they filmed in hawaii whre he walked along a rick bridge , they turned their camera around and there was a road, another time a deserted island he was on turned out to be next to the main hawaii island and a resort. another time he got onto a "wild horse" that let him catch it, it was shod and nicely groomed witha a shining coat..... the programme is made for townies and kids who know no better and go wow when they watch it...
Anyone remember some of those old academy award winning Disney documentaries? Like this one?
hey, don't let the truth stand int the way of a good story..... even after the exposure of all the fabrication, it still didnt affect the shows popularity one bit,,,, most people bought into he entertainment...
Exactly. People also don't watch shows like Survivor because they think they might one day be stuck on an island with people they don't trust and a series of artificially contrived challenges. :) (I hope I have this right. The longest segment of that show I've ever watched would've been during a commercial.) Bear Grylls is already plotting his comeback after being controversially dumped from popular TV adventure series Man vs Wild. Grylls, a former British soldier turned TV survival star, was "terminated" from the show last week by the Discovery Channel over a reported contract dispute. But in a series of messages to fans, Grylls has promised he'll be back on TV soon. Taking to Twitter, Grylls began by saying: "I'll survive." He followed that with: "But don't worry...I'll be drinking my pee again soon!" He then wrote a quote from American self-improvement motivator Dale Carnegie: "All life is a chance. So take it! The person who goes furthest is the one who is willing to do and dare." Then, just a day later, Grylls confirmed he was already working on a new show. "Training hard today - gearing up for new missions! As my dad said: life is meant to be one great big adventure!" He hasn't yet given any interviews, but after his axing Grylls' spokeswoman Heather Krug told the Hollywood Reporter: "Bear's goal has always been to make life-empowering shows for his many fans around the globe, and he has taken great risks to bring Discovery such award-winning programming over seven seasons. "Bear has loved the Man vs Wild journey and looks forward to producing further cutting edge content again soon for his loyal audience." The Hollywood Reporter suggested Grylls, 37, was fired for refusing to star in two unannounced shows he was contracted for. Grylls starred in seven seasons of Man vs Wild. Each episode features Grylls taking on dangerous stunts, sleeping in the wild and eating something disgusting - usually some kind of dead animal. During season three, he drank his own urine out of the skin of a snake. The most recent season showed Grylls spending two episodes in New Zealand.
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