Sabine /Travers Track

hello going in March Can anyone give me information on crossing the river between West Sabine and Sabine hut apparently the bridge is out and its a shuffle over a fallen tree or a river crossing any info would be good cheers
2 perspectives: from DOC: Alert/Important notice The swingbridge down stream of West Sabine Hut (grid reference: E1574014 N5349529) crossing West Sabine River has been destroyed by flood. The Travers/Sabine Circuit can only be completed by crossing the river. This may not be possible after rain or for less experienced trampers during normal flow. And from Nelson Shuttles - The West Sabine Bridge is down. Don't listen to the rumours or incorrect advice that The Travers Sabine Track is closed. The Travers Sabine Track Is Open. The West Sabine River can be crossed in normal flows. If it rains hard the river will come up fast and go down just as quick when it stops raining. If you have good back country skills This track can be done by most people. River crossings should be done with others or with caution.There will be others in the West Sabine Hut. Who with the good Kiwi back country spirit. Will be very happy to help you across or give good judgement of crossing. If you are out of your comfort zone. Back off until others arrive to help you. We used to cross rivers long before bridges. Plenty of our passengers are getting across the Sabine River with little or no trouble. Part of the bridge is still standing and will get you to a island in the middle of the river. From the island there's a large tree across the last part of the river to get you to the far bank.
Interesting and shows how DOC must, as a matter of course, err on the caution....and quite rightly so in my opinion, but also where local knowledge and experience comes in. I crossed last year and although the bridge was there I believed there would have been no problem had it not......however after heavy rain? Well if you're stupid enough to even try then in all honesty you really shouldn't be out bush in the first place....infact you probably should even be out full stop. Can of open......!
Thanx mr fizz and normclimb I do appreciate the response we are four sensible women we will be fine and plan to take rope as well Dear Lord No rain please or snow for that matter cheers
I crossed it in 07. The bridge was there, but I crossed the creek anyway to save myself a detour downstream from the hut to the bridge and back, as I was heading upriver. Easy crossing in low flows, but like most rivers could clearly be trouble after heavy rain.
I was in that area early last week and spoke to another tramper(at Sabine hut), who had just completed the route. Apparently there is a fallen tree across the river about 50m from the bridge site which people were using as a bridge currently, with no problems There was also a note on the the notice board at Sabine Hut to the same effect Cheers......skiveoff
Thanks for the info skiveoff Great really looking forward to it

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