Looking for tramping partners

Hey Guys, I'm Micky, 20 years old and live in Queenstown. Love outdoors and adventure, and i'm going to do a lot of tramping the next months. My rough plans: * Kepler track in February * Dusky track in February/March * Cascade saddle track combined with Rees track in February/March * Go off track in the area Routeburn/Greenstone for a long trip (with experienced people) * Climbing Cecil peak (mountain on the other side of queenstown) go there by boat and then off-track for a couple of days in March * Open for other ideas:) So if you are keen to join, wanna know more or have other ideas just let me know! We can make some plans (maybe meet with a beer?), and it would be fun with some more people. Cheers Micky, 0226909786
If you want off the beaten track in the routeburn/greenstone area Steel Creek is really cool : )
Hi Micky! I arrived from France two months ago and am currently living in Auckland for a year. I'm absolutely fond of tramping, climbing, or whichever great outdoor activity, so if you're still planning on going hiking I feel like I could join you! I've got some holidays for Easter, and I'm planning to go to the South Island. Any kind of hike would be great as long as there are mountains involved, so if you wanna meet and pla something let me know! cheers Marie-Anne
hi lunay. I'm looking at 3-4? days tramp (no climbing)Arthurs Pass over Easter Partner?

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Forum Tramping partners
Started by Monkey
On 11 February 2012
Replies 3
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