Bottom of the South Island in early May

Hi All. Will be down Invercargill way in early May and would be keen on a 4 day tramp in that general area. What can anyone suggest, I don't know the area at all well. I'm guessing I will need my ice axe & crampons almost anywhere, even as a precaution. Is there anywhere that public transport will get me to a roadhead or will I need to hire a car? Any thoughts would be helpful.
hump ridge track, you should be able to get that done without crampons, you might miss the big snow dumps then. kepler up at te anau is great, but exposed, and more prone to snow. theres rakiura on stewart island, good quality track kepler is very close to te anau, rakiura is a snort walk from town, theres transport to hump ridge theres also the dusky track , very scenic but very muddy and a few steep passes. you could get on the milford without booking then, you'll need a gas cooker for all but hte hump ridge. you realise invercargill is in the middle of endless miles of relatively flat farmland?, most of these tracks are a reasonable distance away. rakiura is the closest. if you can get north of te anau, not sure if ther are shuttles running in may, then theres far more choice, like the routeburn, my fav, hollyford, , greenstone, caples. mavora, but the shuttles tend to stop going up there at the end of april, you should still be able to get some transport to the divide whre the routeburn, and caples greenstone tracks are.

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Forum Tracks, routes, and huts
Started by phil21
On 2 February 2012
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