A month of dayhiking

My wife and I will be in New Zealand for the month of February. We are good strong hikers of a certain age, but bad shoulders and lower backs make carrying 15 lbs or more a drudgery, so we thought we would simply rent a car and do as many day hikes as possible. Is this doable? If so, what are the "best" day hikes? (Is there a list someplace?) Any and all ideas and suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Larry and Susan from the U.S.
You may like to try this website, where you can search for walks by duration. Enjoy your stay.
Whoops forgot the link http://trampingtracks.co.nz/
This might help: http://trtlrock.blogspot.com/2008/12/big-bend-2007.html This was our original itinerary for a 4.5 month trip through NZ. We rented vehicles on each island, and many of the hikes linked in the post are dayhikes. If you see any that appeal to you, feel free to post back, and I'll let you know our experience of those particular hikes.
this is a good reference some local booksellers also stock it http://www.craigpotton.co.nz/products/published/books/booktramping/daywalksinnewzealand
the link you were given looks great but it only a fraction of what is out there local information centres in towns also have maps etc and some book shops have a good selection of tramping books good luck with your holiday
When you arrive in a town or city head to the local I-site or Visitor Centre where you will be able to get information and brochures about the best walks in that particular area.
if u keep a post of were you are on here then any locals in that area maybe able to help you out eg.im in the waikato and dont mine joining up for any day tramps im only 15 minutes drive from pirongia or maungatautari and available from tuesday but on wednesday ill be tramping up maugatautari
also doc.govt.nz lists walks around the country in the national parks

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Forum Tracks, routes, and huts
Started by elscissors
On 23 December 2011
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