kepler challenge photos kepler track, , air shots

some very nice shots from the air
Quite right,some very good shots here. Oh! that I could be that fit?
do it he sensible way, walk it, take time to admire the views., rather than run and stare at your feet so you don't trip....
The photos bring back memories when we took 4 days to walk it! What was the fastest time?
this year around five hours. its been done in about 4 45
Seems impossible!!!
the track isnt all up and down, most of it is dead flat and as smooth as a footpath, any decent runner can get up to around 16 to 18km an hour for those sections making up for the slower climbs.
Still, a good achievement. I guess being 61, carrying a 14kg pack in the horizontal rain/sleet and icy track does tend to slow you down a tad. :)
I reckon you'd probably be around the 12 to 14km per hour with that weight Peter.......jettison a spare pair of socks and the complete works of Shakespear and I'm sure you could still knock it over in about 6 hours or so........!
Actually Norm, I wasn't really trying, as I had to keep stopping to take photos and read a couple of Shakesperean plays.

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Forum Tracks, routes, and huts
Started by waynowski
On 16 December 2011
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