Hawkes Bay Area Trampers/Hikers?

Hello, I'm looking for people in the Hawkes Bay area that would like to meet up for tramps/hikes. I'm new the area and havn't meet anyone that is into hiking. I'm a newbie in the sense of only doing one long trip (3 days) in the Kauaeranga Valley (Pinnacles) going via Moss Creek. I have done a lot of day walks throughout the South Island (Heaphy, Routeburn, Greenstone, Fox River etc) as I spent 8 months traveling the South Island. I have most of the basic equipment required (Sleeping bag, hiking boots, backpack etc) and I am slowly building up the rest of the equipment needed and upgrading my current equipment, but would like to learn more before wasting money on products I don't need. I am keen to do any walks asked, but would need to stay in huts until I get a tent sorted. If anyone is keen, let me know! Thanks in advance Tam (021 1357285)
Hi, I'm moving up to the bay on Sunday from Dunedin and I'm always keen to head into the hills as much as possible, but don't have anyone to go with up there. This is ideal timing! I have a reasonable amount of experience from being in OUTC for 3 years and most of the gear. Did you have any particular tramps in mind? I'm keen to go anywhere really. Also - it would have to be weekends only cos my new job is Mon-Fri Cheers, Rachael (20yrs) Ph 0273346400
There are heaps of places around the bay to go tramping, lots of easy access places. Highly recommend Sunrise hut and carrying on over to Top Maropea hut, only adds on a hour to the trip there. Also if you go to the Southern Ruahines I must recommend try getting to Kiritaki hut, is by far one of my all time fav huts
Could try - http://www.napiertrampingclub.org.nz/ @ Jono - could you tell me a bit about Kiritaki - heading into South Eastern Ruahines this weekend - mite try that one - best track to get to it - times etc - cheers in advance - :)
Hopefully Jono comes back with more detailed info. But in case he doesn't. Up the Raparapawai from Loveday Rd is easy going and a good track. Took me 2.5hrs with a full 10-day pack. But Oruakeretaki Stream (north fork) from Fairbrother Rd seemed to be the favoured and shortest route in from the hut book. The fastest people seemed to take from 1hr30 upwards. Hopefully Jono can tell you where to find this track. My info all here: http://www.tramper.co.nz/?1618
Hiya yea I've only walked part way up the rapapawai stream way for an evening hunt but was quite a nice walk. The other way from fairbrother rd is my usual way in. To get to fairbrother rd from Dannevirke head south towards woodville for about 7 min then turn right just before the overhead bridge down Kiritaki rd and drive to the end of that and just across the rd is fairbrother rd, just head down there. From the rd end you just head over the farm land for about 15 mins to the bush edge and just head upriver, there are no signs from there for about 1 hour 40mins which is were you turn and head uphill (300 metre climb). There are little tracks all over the place to avoid some river but u are going to get very wet! Especially were you climb alittle bit of a waterfall, quite easy to get up though. Still a really awesome hut and highly recommend!
Hey, thanks for the replies! Rachael I have sent you a message and thanks everyone else for the suggestions!

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Forum Tramping partners
Started by Torti
On 6 November 2011
Replies 6
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