Looking for an exspirienced tramper/camper

Heya, if you have seen my other posts, I'm new to the great out doors scene, none of my friends are into this scene, so am looking for some people around my age (23) to go tramping and camping with... probably people who have a lot of patience would be good too :) Im craving some out door adventure! I'm based in Wellington (johnsonville) So if ya keen, give me a buzz. Cheers Davina
Hey Davina I am in Wellington right now and will be tramping around the north island for the next two month. Just let me know when u got time off. Cya Hendrik
A good thought on this would be either Wellington tramping and mountaineering club or Vic uni tramping club. Both very active and quite young membership. Both have very good websites If these dont fit Hut valley tramping club is very good but we are mostly a little older even though we do have some younger members
Hey i am keen.. 21 been hiking since i was 8, i usually go through the Tararua Rangers. text me 0278693805 ;)
Howdy, I'll be near Wellington between January 9th and 13th. I'm flying into Auckland on Dec 21st and plan to see the northern part of the North island until Jan 9th when I'll take the "nakedbus" south and start heading towards the south island. I currently have no plans other than taking as many trails and opportunities as possible. I'm an excellent hiker. I lived in my tent across the western United States for 6 weeks. I'm 22 and just finished my degree in geology. Looking forward to your reply. Regards, Trey
Hey Davina, and everyone else that responded, I'll be arriving in New Zealand on January 20th, will be around the north island for a couple of weeks, then heading on down to the south island. My goals are similar to Trey's... hiking and getting out there as much as possible. I've done lots of backpacking all over California, Alaska, Chilean Patagonia... and now NZ is next! I'm also 22 and just graduated. Let me know if you are interested. -Sonia
Hi, I live in Wellington and tramp the Tararua all the time would be happy to take you along if your interested .

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Forum Tramping partners
Started by davina_f_nz
On 18 July 2011
Replies 6
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