Lake Daniells & Thompson's Flat Hut

Hi all (newbie here), we are looking at Lake Daniells for this upcoming weekend 9/10 July but know its a popular hut, is it this time of year and also our plan is to walk on to Thompson's Flat Hut but are having trouble finding details on it and a decent map? Thanks, Bonita :)
Not many people go the extra distance to Thompson's flat hut. So you should have it to your self, in the unlikely event the hut is at capacity its only a short hike back to the Large Lake Daniells hut. The track on from lake Daniells hut is not marked but well trodden so should be easy enough to follow. Check out the outlet of Lake Daniells and you might just see a few spawning trout, but might still be to early. Cool to watch but try and not disturb them.
Awesome, thank you, we are pretty good at forging our own paths (carefully of course) as long as she is still standing it should be great! Do you know if the old farmer still stores your car for you? (lord going back 10 years here since I last did Daniells) we are always apprehensive about leaving the car alone!
2 or 3 years back he was still storing cars. I risked it last time and got away with it, but have seen cars broken into there.
Thanks Militaris, Think we might check the farm guy out, and ask nicely, car aint flash but its a heck of a walk back to Christchurch in the event the car got vandalized!!!

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Forum Tracks, routes, and huts
Started by Bonita
On 5 July 2011
Replies 4
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