Abel Tasman - how many days to spend??

We are a family of 5. Mum, Dad and three kids aged 5 to 11 years old. We are planning on doing the Abel Tasman Coastal track at Christmas time. We will stay in the DOC huts. We are not in any hurry to complete the track and were wondering if it would be a good idea if we were to spend a 2 nights at some of the huts? Which are the best ones that would give us a break from hiking and be really nice to spend a day eg: nice beach. Thx.
Hi Elspeth, Having walked the track twice, once as a 14 yr old then later as an adult I would suggest being open to the idea of camping. It does mean carrying a tent(s) but does allow far more flexibility, and generally the kids will love it. The tidal crossings (particularly Awaroa Inlet) can somewhat dictate your plans also. Whether you are staying in huts or camping you need to book online through DOC's website. The southern part of the walk from Marahau to Bark Bay and to a lesser extent up to Totaranui is very busy not only with people tramping the track but day walkers and kayakers. Far less people travel beyond Totaranui. So if you are looking to spend more time in one place then the campsites at Anapai Bay or Mutton Cove, or staying at Whariwharangi Hut which has an awesome beach ten minutes walk away with very few people on it are places I would consider spending some time at. If you don't mind people then I thought the Anchorage and Onetahuti Bay beaches were fantastic as well but you really can't go wrong with any beach in the park. Hope this helps and have a great trip.
hi, i agree with nzbazza a tent gives you a bit more freedom. we stayed at all the campsites that werent the recommended ones so they werent as busy as the main ones (sorry forget the names). Although Anchorage Bay gets really busy its still worth staying at tho as its so beautiful, and Te Pukatea bay is a must (about 5 minutes from Anchorage Bay). Take some cash for the cafe too!
Dylster reminded me, having a green salad, scallops and a wine at Awaroa Lodge wasn't tramping but something else and it sure did taste fantastic!

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Forum Tracks, routes, and huts
Started by Elspeth
On 2 July 2011
Replies 3
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