Hikers Wool

Does anyone have any feedback about Hikers wool? I've heard its worth its wait in gold (which wouldn't be very much as it does'nt weight anything!) People recommend taking a pinch or two of it in your pocket or pack in case you have any friction or rub points inside your boots whilst you are out tramping. It can be a life saver especially if you are in the middle of nowhere. Everyone knows if you have sore blistered feet you won't be a happy camper. If you want to find some click the link http://www.hikoi.co.nz/shop/Equipment/CareProducts/product-785.htm its extremely inexpensive too! H.M
I had a little battle with a new pair of boots recently and someone recommended hikers wool to me so I got some. The boots did come right so I haven't used it much but I can see how it would be good. Stick a bit in your socks over a area that rubs and it matts into the sock and forms a nice pad. It is only washed and carded wool so I am sure that if you picked a bit of wool off the fence when tramping across a farm it would do the same job.

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Started by Hikoi man
On 2 July 2011
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