Stewart Island - saturated

I was speaking to a mate who is just back from the NW circut on Stewart Island. The place is saturated apparently. It was days of hauling themselves through deep mud in freezing rain. One of them said it was the hardest tramping he had ever done... and for these guys, that is saying something! Remind me that this is a place to steer clear of mid winter.
I've done the NWC in June and May and yes, I recall it seemed to rain every day and I wore long johns and fleece pants as a matter of course. However I didn't think it was too bad. I guess it depends on the weather but I've been in quite a few hailstorms and had to swim some of the Rakeahua in floods as well as going up through the Freshwater swamp to Hellfire Hut in heavy rain and flooded side creeks which was pretty rough going and challenging to cross. (Darn that the Scotts Creek bridge has been removed). Plenty of overseas people seem to do it in winter and take it in their stride according to the hut books. My mate Emma Richardson is off to do it soon but I don't think she'll find it hard...
Emma ended up doing heaps on the West Coast instead.

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Forum Tracks, routes, and huts
Started by pmcke
On 23 June 2011
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